
- Domestic trademark application and administrative remedy proceedings
- Foreign Trademark application and administrative remedy proceedings
- Trademark search services for trademarks in Taiwan and other countries
- Trademark assignment, licensing, renewal, changes, certificate re-issuing, and pledging
- Trademark opposition, invalidation, and revocation proceedings, and response drafting
- Trademark registrations and dispute resolutions in mainland China
- Trademark consulting services
Trademark Application Procedure
Preliminary consultation
Quotation proposed from Hong Sheng
Trademark application layout
Trademark search
Manuscript approval by client
Application filed

- Filing and prosecution of domestic patent, utility model and ornamental design applications, and administrative remedy proceedings related thereto
- Prosecution for foreign patent, utility model and ornamental design applications, and administrative remedy proceedings related thereto
- Patent and utility model invalidation proceedings and response drafting
- Licensing, compulsory licensing, assignment, trust, pledge, and technology transfer
- Domestic and foreign patent annuity management and patent maintenance services
- Patent analysis and patent map
- Freedom-To-Operate (FTO) analysis
Patent Application Procedure
Acquiring preliminary information from client
Assigning proper personnnel for extensive discussion with client
Prior art search(Propose an application)
Entrusting patent application to
Hong Sheng
Drafing sepcification and claims
Proofreading by client (Manuscript approved)
Filing application

- Access to copyright public records
- Registration of alteration, transfer, pledge, or inheritance of copyrights
- Copyright and computer software registration in mainland China